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How To Create Your First Ethereum Smart Contract With Remix IDE

How To Create Your First Ethereum Smart Contract With Remix IDE

Smart contracts are the new norm! Wherever you look, talks about decentralization, blockchain and web3 are the most trending new niche. You can create your first Ethereum Smart Contract with Remix IDE. The Remix IDE is the compiler of choice for Ethereum smart contracts services. Using a few easy steps, you may take advantage of the versatility for constructing smart contracts with Solidity and Remix IDE.

Create a new file

To create a new file, follow these steps:

  • Click on the New File button in Remix IDE’s toolbar.
  • In the New File dialog box that appears, enter the name of your smart contract and click OK. You can also add its description here if you wish (but it’s optional). To save this file as “MyFirstContract.sol”, make sure that you’re saving it in one of the following directories:
  • My Documents (Windows) or Documents Folders (Mac OS X) – This is where all of your files are stored locally on your computer.
  • AppData Directory Path – If this isn’t set up yet, go ahead and do so now! This is where all third-party applications store their files–including those from Remix IDE itself!

Add Solidity imports

You can add Solidity imports to your contract file. Imports are used to include the functions and variables from other contracts.

You place import statements at the top of your contract file, before any code:

import “./common”;

This will include all functions in common.sol, as well as any constants defined there.

Define the contract

A contract is a set of rules that defines how the cryptocurrency will function. In Remix IDE, you can create a smart contract by defining its name, author, and version. The name is the same as what you see in the blockchain explorer; it’s your personal identifier for this particular contract. The author field allows users to enter their own information about who created this project (or group) so other developers can find out more about them or adapt their code if necessary. Your version should always be at least 15 characters long but may be longer if necessary for clarity purposes.

The Contract Constructor

The constructor is a function that is automatically called when a contract is created. It can be used to initialize the contract state and must have no arguments, but it can also return values (such as Ether).

As an example of how this works: let’s say you want to create an ERC721 token named “MyDogToken” on the Ethereum network using Remix IDE. First, open Remix IDE and go through its setup process by selecting “New Project” from the File menu option in the top toolbar area:

Then go ahead and choose the “Ethereum smart contract development services

” template from the Templates dropdown list on the right side of the screen:

The next step would be choosing the Solidity language version under the Compiler section on the left sidebar area:

Mapping the contract state to the blockchain

Now that you’ve created your contract, it’s time to map the contract state to the blockchain.

To do this, we’ll use Remix IDE and its built-in web3 object (which can be found under “Tools > Web3” in the menu bar). To set up a new project:

  • Select File > New Project from within Remix IDE and click Next
  • Give your new project a name like “MyFirstContract” or something similar—this is how people will find your smart contract later on so keep it short and sweet! You should also make sure that it’s private so no one else has access but you; this means that anyone who doesn’t have read/write access won’t be able to see what we’re doing here until after we’ve completed our work with Remix IDE anyways so there’s no harm done by doing this step first!

Now choose whether or not you want source control enabled here as well since all files are stored on GitHub by default but if you don’t know what source control is then don’t worry about enabling it now because once I finish explaining everything else I’m going over next week then hopefully everyone will understand why they need source control anyway…

The function definition

The first step is to define your function. A function definition consists of two parts: it’s signature (which specifies what types of arguments and return values it accepts) and body (which defines how the function should behave when called). Read more about.

The following example shows some code that defines a simple function named adder_1:

function adder_1(a, b) { //func body }

Smart contract development is not as hard as you think!

Developing smart contracts is a new technology, so you need to get hands-on experience with it. Remix IDE is the best way to learn and develop your first Ethereum smart contract. You can use Remix IDE to create your first Ethereum smart contract or test it with the provided test cases in Remix IDE.


If you want to learn more about Ethereum and smart contracts then start with understanding Solidity and blockchain and Ethereum smart contract development. Next move on to learning about blockchain technology and smart contracts. Make sure to have a thorough understanding of these topics before diving into the development and production phase. 

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