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The Crystal Meth Nightmare

After reviewing the last few years it is apparent that the abuse of crystal methamphetamine (also known as crystal, meth) has gotten out of control within the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. One reason this is so alarming is that the abuse of crystal meth contributes to the spread of HIV infection. Crystal meth is easy to get, costs less than cocaine and is highly addictive. Crystal meth can be smoked, injected, snorted or swallowed and is one of the drugs that takes quite a bit of time to recover from.

Like all amphetamines, crystal meth causes large amounts of dopamine to be released within the brain. Dopamine is a chemical that improves mood, increases self-confidence and strength and heightens sex drive. While, crystal meth works mainly on the brain it causes a number of side effects that prove to be especially devastating; loss of appetite, insomnia, high heart rate, dental deterioration and many others. The problem with crystal meth addiction is that people require greater and greater amounts of the drug to capture that initial high. At higher doses, side effects on other parts of the body become more obvious.

Crystal Meth Experience

Those addicted to crystal meth experience withdrawal when they stop using the drug. Withdrawal symptoms include fatigue, depressed mood, loss of pleasurable feelings and suicidal thoughts. One of the worst effects of crystal meth is that users often have unprotected sex when under the influence. This puts people at risk for new HIV infections. Even people who already have HIV can get online kaufen reinfected with a drug-resistant strain of HIV or contract another sexually-transmitted disease.

In addition, crystal meth may interact with HIV medications. There is one report of a person taking a protease inhibitor who died of a crystal meth overdose because of a drug interaction.

Successful treatment of crystal meth addiction is almost impossible for one to do on their own. Most that are successful in recovery enter a drug rehab or addiction treatment center which provides a safe detox and support from the cravings experienced from discontinuing the drug.

Medical Complications Treated by Crystal Meth Rehab

When undergoing crystal meth rehab, there are many physical complications the staff and the addict must deal with. Some of these things are treatable while others must be learned to cope with. This extreme drug has long lasting effects on the user/abuser and not all the problems are treatable. It is up to the crystal meth rehab program to know about the various side effects of this server drug.

Crystal meth has the chance of causing a wide variety of heart and cardiovascular problems. Temporary issues include increased pulse, irregular heart rhythm, and high blood pressure. All of these things together can lead to a stroke, which can be a permanent side effect of using crystal meth. The small vessels in the brain get damaged and subsequent strokes are possible.

The heart lining can become inflamed, resulting in pericarditis and heart problems. Those who inject the drug have damaged veins, skin abscesses and possible heart valve infections. Fortunately, with treatment at a rehab facility, there are few long term complications related to the heart, especially if the person doesn’t relapse.

Behavioral issues are common in crystal meth addiction. As a result of use or as a result of cravings to use, there can be violent behavior, paranoid thinking, chronic anxiety, insomnia and states of confusion. Some of the anxiety problems do not go away after stopping crystal meth. The goal of crystal meth rehab is to get a handle on the behavioral problems so they don’t end up being permanent parts of a person’s personality structure.

In addition, crystal meth may interact with HIV medications. There is one report of a person taking a protease inhibitor who died of a crystal meth overdose because of a drug interaction.

Successful treatment of crystal meth addiction is almost impossible for one to do on their own. Most that are successful in recovery enter a drug rehab or addiction treatment center which provides a safe detox and support from the cravings experienced from discontinuing the drug.

Medical Complications Treated by Crystal Meth Rehab

When undergoing crystal meth rehab, there are many physical complications the staff and the addict must deal with. Some of these things are treatable while others must be learned to cope with. This extreme drug has long lasting effects on the user/abuser and not all the problems are treatable. It is up to the crystal meth rehab program to know about the various side effects of this server drug.

Crystal meth has the chance of causing a wide variety of heart and cardiovascular problems. Temporary issues include increased pulse, irregular heart rhythm, and high blood pressure. All of these things together can lead to a stroke, which can be a permanent side effect of using crystal meth. The small vessels in the brain get damaged and subsequent strokes are possible.

The heart lining can become inflamed, resulting in pericarditis and heart problems. Those who inject the drug have damaged veins, skin abscesses and possible heart valve infections. Fortunately, with treatment at a rehab facility, there are few long term complications related to the heart, especially if the person doesn’t relapse.

Behavioral issues are common in crystal meth addiction. As a result of use or as a result of cravings to use, there can be violent behavior, paranoid thinking, chronic anxiety, insomnia and states of confusion. Some of the anxiety problems do not go away after stopping crystal meth. The goal of crystal meth rehab is to get a handle on the behavioral problems so they don’t end up being permanent parts of a person’s personality structure.

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