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Home Business Reviews – And Why the Review Site Business Model is So Good


Surely you know by now there is more than one way to create a successful online business. The home business review site model, or even just a generic review site model, is one way to go for producing an online income for yourself.

Some techniques require more skill and practice than others. Most do not require a lot of up front money, which is what makes them appealing for the everyday person looking for an extra income.

Let’s look at a dose of reality. Not everyone is good at marketing or sales. Writing is one skill that nearly every kind of online business see if ecom babes by cortney fletcher is worth it  requires in some form.

  • Writing product reviews is one technique.
  • Email marketing takes another style of writing.
  • Article marketing is another form.
  • Video marketing requires a particular approach to writing and recording.
  • It even seems that writing blogs may call for yet another type of writing.

Look closely at the things you read. You can learn from the experts when you analyze HOW they write things.

As an online business owner you will need to function in many different roles:

  • Marketer to sell your products
  • Content producer for your site.
  • Researcher to find and review good products.
  • Business manager for planning ahead and making decisions.
  • Manager to care for your business and help desk.

If you select a review site business model, you can minimize some of these tasks. One good aspect of this model is because the good content in your reviews replaces your marketing. It is easy to tell when someone has written a bogus review simply to make a sale. Look closely at the content. Straightforward content is the best form for this kind of writing. Actually most people with basic reading, writing and analysis skills have the ability needed to build and maintain a review site.

Should you ever write a bad review?

Yes. If all you do is praise the product or the producer you are not going to be taken seriously. When you see a product’s flaws, point them out. It is not necessary to be confrontational, just honest and direct. If all you are doing is writing a review in order to make a sale, people will see through the process. Many review sites make this mistake. You are not going to make a sale from every review you write.

If you found a product that is not worth recommending, find a suitable alternative and tell people about it. Actually that is a method that some reviewers rely upon. They point out the flaws in one program and identify how the other one compensates for them, thus recommending an alternative. By searching forums you can see if ecom babes by cortney fletcher is worth it find programs that people are recommending or complaining about, so you will never run out of topics.

You can also search for other home business reviews to see how those sites are run

With that all understood, who is going to read your reviews? Who will find them?

They say find a need and fill it. But how do you know who needs reviews and how will they find your site among the millions of others out there?

Here is the exciting part. You want a very specific audience that is already interested in a particular product but they need some extra input about it. Your good review can give them that. You’re attracting very targeted traffic. Consumers appreciate integrity and good content.

The next issue is how do you get people to read what you wrote? Several methods help you here.

  • Email marketing is one. Send an email to your subscribers and let them know you have written an informative review. That is not marketing actually, you are saying something like ‘I saw this abc product and wrote a review on it. You can go to this link to read it.’ This is delivering content by email.
  • PPC means pay per click. With AdWords or Yahoo Search campaigns you can send some traffic to your pages. Choose low cost terms to make this worthwhile.
  • Article marketing is simplest. You write the short version of your review with links back to your review page and send it to article directories.
  • Google alerts and blog commenting are simple too. Set up a Google alert for your product to see what other people are saying about it. If you find a good blog talking about your product, go and make a comment and be sure to link back to your review page.

Affiliate Marketers can really benefit from using the review site model. By the way, these steps are much the same as those you would apply when you are ready to build a marketing funnel. read more here

Home Business Reviews, Are They Scams?

Home Business Review websites are the current rage in the Internet marketing world and many including myself use them. But, the questions is do the majority of them provide solid information or are they just another self-serving home business scam?

The Good

Many of the Home Business Review sites provide some valuable content and for the new or seasoned home business owner provide a quick yet informative glimpse into many of the online and home based opportunities available today.

For the Internet marketer, business review sites provide an opportunity to place higher on the search engines and divide their marketing see if ecom babes by cortney fletcher is worth it campaigns into broader areas in which to attract visitors to their sites. This concept and how it actually works is slightly complicated for the beginner, but easily grasped by most who have spent a while in the Internet marketing field.

The Bad

Now that you have attracted a visitor to your review site, you may potentially lose that visitor to a home business or opportunity other than yours.

Here’s why: You attracted a visitor to your site to read a review on some GURU or home business opportunity, your betting on the fact that the visitor will want to see what you’re doing and at least take a look at your business. Problem is, that may never happen and they will leave your site to find more information on the GURU or home business. For me, it’s a chance I’m willing to take.

The Ugly

Many reviewers are not honest and will provide bad if not horrible reviews on every home business opportunity or GURU they review. SO, here’s a tip, go through a few of the reviews on each site. If nothing is recommended as a legitimate home business opportunity or Guru other than what’s making the reviewer a million dollars today, look somewhere else.

The hope with most, if not all of these review sites is that you will find the reviewers opportunity most interesting and sign up with them. Yes it is self-serving, but if the reviewer is ethical you will find more than a few of the home business or GURU reviews are favorable.

So, what does all this mean for someone searching home business review sites for a new opportunity? All of them are slightly biased, mine included. But, an ethical reviewer will provide good honest content on all of their reviews. But the bottom line is this is only an opinion. I’ve had great success with some businesses and crashed and burned with others. But I’ll bet the businesses that I found to be horrible, someone somewhere made a ton of money from; get the picture?

Truth is, there are quite a few home businesses that are making people a good amount of money and still producing, even in a down economy. Many of the GURU’s, the people at the top, have great marketing ideas, just one of which may be worth its weight in gold to you. read more here

In conclusion

If you find a home business opportunity with favorable reviews, look further, use common sense and trust you gut. If the reviewer doesn’t blast every home business opportunity other than their own, chances are their reviews (although they are only and opinion) are pretty ethical.

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